Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Love in Vain part 10


As I have said previously, some measuring found that my print of Love in Vain was too long by about an inch and a half for what was requested.  I had an idea how to shorten it without cutting any more, so I tried that on this second proof.  It involved a lot of tape and some careful rolling.  This new version in now the right length, and I don't think I lost anything important.  Results of today's experiment can be seen below:

I can see the changes I made to the faces, and while this seems to have worked for the male holding the suitcases, I am still not satisfied with the woman's face.  I may redo that for another print if it is wanted.  Some of the solid black sections look a little better, which is expected.  I also eliminated a few of the undesirable blotches, mostly in gray areas.  Unfortunately, I ended up with a smudge of light black on the left margin, some carelessness while adding in the border on this new side.   I know how it happened, and next time I'll make sure it doesn't.  Meanwhile, I'll send both versions to Tom, and see if he wants to include any of the prints I did for this series.  


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