Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 22

 Geting to the busy part of the year for medical stuff, so that's one thing I have to work around, plus this is the time of year when everyone has to fix up their houses, but I still want to get to the Studio now and then.  I was free today, and the weather was favorable, so I did.  Put some sketches in my sketchbook last night that would help with what I planned to do today, and grabbed some home burned discs from my pop/rock book for today's session.  Stopped at the supermarket on the way up, then got to the Studio in the late morning.  First thing was to stop at the office and learn what is going on next week.  Turns out they are only closed on Independence Day, so I can get up there if I want to.   On to work.

I was planning drawing for today, and that's what I did.  First, music.  I put in my home burned disc of Southern Culture on the Skids and their early album "Too Much Pork for Just One Fork", which you can read about on this blog back in November of 2019.  I started with the latest boardwalk print.  I wanted to firm up the ground areas of the image.  That meant the boardwalk (including the railing and figures), and the paving block area in the foreground of the plaza.  Not too difficult as it turned out.  Also made slight changes to the beach and Convention Hall, based on photos I have of such things.  Below are the area I worked today, and a view of the whole diptych as it looks right now.  


I had a little time left, so I put in some temporary lettering on the next Robert Johnson block.  For once I couldn't find a lyric video, so I had to just listen to the song and write down the words I heard.  What I hadn't counted on was that there were different versions of the songs.  That there were two takes was not unusual for these recording sessions, but the lyrics of the line I chose varied between versions.  I ended up choosing the version I planned all along, which I think was the one that had been released.  This lettering is only temporary, place holders really, but I wanted to get something down to make sure it would fit in two lines, and it will.  The print will get its own posting when I have an image to show, so for now I'll just write about it here.  What I have so far is below:

The weather was warm today, but Molly had her box fan up and running, so the place felt comfortable enough.  I left it on while I worked, and left it on as I left.  I have a little more I can do with each block before I see the model, and then I'll have to wait until she comes in to do some more.  


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