Monday, August 05, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 27

 Had no major work I had to do today, but I did want to go in the check on some things going back to last week.  However, there was one thing I knew I could take care of, which was investigating the photos I took of places on the Asbury boardwalk, places in my new print.  Also the patterns on the gulls, borrowed from another print I did several years ago.  I put all these in my sketchbook, in pencil, and put that sketchbook in my knapsack.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I never packed my cutting tools, so when I got up there, it turned out there was little I could do.  At least I could draw, so I made the changes on my boardwalk block, and I can cut them next time I go.  The photo below shows some of the minor changes:

A second thing to deal with was my broken window.  Last week I had noticed a corner of one of my exterior windows was cracked, and reported it to the director.  It's the one window that has a shade, which was pulled down, so I didn't notice it before, and I have no idea when it happened.  Looks to me like it happened as someone was moving things in or out of the building, or doing some kind of work back there,  which has happened a lot in the past few months.  I only noticed it because last week I was outside helping Mary who had secured her scooter out there (nowhere near the window).  I didn't expect it would be repaired by today, but now the section looked bigger than last week, so I reported it again.  And I showed the situation to them as well.  This seems like a job for a window specialist, but at least our people know about it now.  One bit of good news- we have double panes of glass, so this has no effect on anything in the interior.  (because of the shade, you can't even see it from inside) Bad news- to get to it to fix or replace the window will require moving a lot of Molly stuff she has piled up in that part of the room, so she will have to be informed well before any repair is made.  

A third thing I wanted to do was check on the ink status of the prints we pulled last week.  The plan is to pull the remaining edition later this week, and the show opens a week and a half after that.  That means that those prints should be dry in plenty of time to be framed for that show.  I'll let Mary know that when we create them.  And if she wants to pick them up early the following week, they should be fine.

The last thing I wanted to do up at the Studio today was pick up the prints I pulled for shipping to Virginia several weeks ago.  I knew that they were plenty dry, and had even been signed and numbered a while back.  I have the glassine to put between them, and bought a mailing tube last week, so it's time to deal with these and get them on their way.

But it was getting hot in there, so I decided to go home and do things there instead. The weather gets better starting tomorrow.  


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