Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 26

 My calendar says I am supposed to see my oncologist today, but I got a call from that office yesterday telling me that the appointment can't happen (she's not going to be there), so we moved it a few weeks into August.  Just a follow-up, and the other doctor I see for this gave me some good news in May, so I don't mind delaying it.  What this means is today is now free, so a Studio day it is.  The shed delivery day was switched to today, but other than moving my car and clearing the driveway, I had no responsibility, so I was free to go.  Besides, driving up to the Studio would free up a valued space on our block,   I threw my rock/pop book of discs into my bag with no particular plan, but on the way there I heard a Jayhawks song on the radio, one I knew as it's on the disc I made and had with me, so that became the disc I would listen to today as I worked.  One could always do worse than have the Jayhawks playing while working.  More details on this disc can be found in a post on this blog back in November of 2019.

I didn't have to be in the Studio today, but I had other errands to run in the area, and I always have something to do.  In this case, it was do some more cutting on my latest boardwalk piece, based on Asbury's boardwalk, at least how it looked back in 2012 when I started this one.  So no new drawing today, but more cutting of the sky area in upper left part of the block.  I cut out the area between the building and the light, part of the light, and the space between the plane and the birds. I want to look at the lamp and the birds one more time before I cut them, which I can do from photos I have.  Results of today's labor can be seen below:

Besides the things I wanted to look at again before cutting, I could also feel the heat building (another hot one expected today, with maybe some rain late today), so I decided to end it there. I documented today's work, put everything back the way it was, and headed home for lunch.  


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