Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 25

 A busy day today.  Had an appointment with my neurosurgeon in Neptune in the morning, and the tv producer who is doing a story about our Ocean Grove (technically Neptune) art building was to be at our building in the afternoon to interview any artist who was interested.  Morning went according to plan- got a ride up there early in the morning, and was told what I knew from checking the results of last week's MRI online: I was fine for another year.  Tentative appointment with the same doctor in July 2025.  

Since I didn't have my tools with me, I decided to stop at home first and get them, then drove back up to the Studio.  Went across the street to grab a slice before the noon crowd showed up, then back to my space to eat it, along with chilled soda I had brought from home.  (meanwhile, the old shed was dismantled and taken away) I saw Nichole in the office, now done with her college program and looking for a job, but there today (and the next few) for an archive project about the building.  (she didn't mention a plan to be interviewed by the same producer, who mentioned it in the letter we were forwarded about today)  On the way back to my space I passed Jeanne in the hall.

The plan was that the producer was to interview Nichole, then expect to be done by 2:00 and just wander the building interviewing artists.  Of course, no one in authority was around.  We know he did his Nichole interview in the theater as expected, but no one knew what happened after that.  When Jeanne finally showed up in her office around 3:30, she didn't know where he was, thinking he may have left already.  All I knew is that he never showed up in my space, and I had no confidence he had made his way to the basement.  I don't know if anyone even told him there were artists in the basement- in the past we have been forgotten.  His email said that he would be coming two more times, so everyone can just hope it's a time I can make it.  

Meanwhile, I got work done, because I don't like to waste time there.  With my retrieved tools, I cut out the center line between panels on the latest boardwalk print.  I also spent a lot of time looking at my block drawing and making some adjustments to the drawing.  Benches, bushes- things like that. filled in some more black areas, based on photos of the space I took back when I started this block.  Also changed the pavers in the foreground a bit.  Don't know if this is the final version of this area, but it's an improvement.  Finally I started cutting the image area, in the upper left corner. This is sky and will remain that, so it was a safe area to start.  Results can be seen below:

I also did some minor pencil drawing on the newest Robert Johnson print, mostly to the lamp and bedside table.  I'll document these next time I do major work on that block.

No sun today, but the humidity was still around, and the basement continued to be oppressive.  Having spent several hours in my space working, and having no idea if the guy was coming or even in the building, I decided to pack up and go home.  I let Jeanne know if she wants me to talk to the guy, we need to make sure he knows about it- she admitted his email may have been a bit vague about his plans for today.  I expect to be back later this week to print for money, but that is expected to be a better day.


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