Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Traveling Riverside Blues

 I decided to do a little more work on the latest Robert Johnson print, since I had to do this section anyway and I don't need the model for this part. She comes in next week.  I will save the story until that session.  After all, my prints always begin with the narrative, so there is a plan, but I'll explain that plan in the future.  No Molly today, but evidence she has been there since the last time I was in.  But that meant I could listen to music.  What I had with me was my home burned copy of Californication by The Red Hot Chili Peppers, which I wrote about back in June of 2020 if you want to know more.  The reason- I haven't listened to it in a while and there are only so many discs I have access to right now. And it's good music to make art to.

Today I put in the central figure, a reclining man, adapted from a photographic reference.  Not my favorite way of working, but such will do for a background figure, a minor part of the image.  I will work from a live person for the main figure, who will be drawn on the left side of the block, but that's next week.  To the far right is just place holder stuff, which will be drawn with more detail and values selected in the future.  I also did some re-lettering of the lyric text, which is an improvement, but I don't know if it's the final version.  Today's results can be seen above:

On my way out of the building I was stunned by the very tall crane hanging over the landscape of Asbury Park, seemingly much taller than the buildings around it would require.  I suppose I could have walked a few blocks over to investigate, but I didn't feel like it and settled for this photo.

See what I mean?  If I do find out what it was doing, I will report it here.


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