Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 35

 First thing this morning I checked email and had one from Jeanne at the JSAC.  It was a mass email to all show participants saying that the receiving of work for the upcoming show would be ideally today or tomorrow. but that the current show she wanted to keep up through Saturday night, when there is a big night happening at the theater, and because she likes work up on the wall.  She and others will install the new show Sunday to Tuesday.  Okay, that saves me from having to ask about that today.  

Shut down the computer and later headed up to Ocean Grove.  With me was a disc from my old studio collection, Beat This!, which is a best of album of music by the English Beat, chosen because I heard a song of theirs on the radio a few days ago.  I wrote about this back in January of 2023 if you want to know more.  Also with me were labels for the framed works in the upcoming show, some clear tape, and a bunch of sketches for the current boardwalk print.  Had plans as well for when I got there.  On the way up I saw that a lot of route 35 south was blocked by a police stop of a large truck.  Hoped that would be gone by the time I was heading home on that road.  

Got to my Studio and the first thing I did there was take care of the frame labels.  All printed, so just cut and tape.  Just took a few minutes.  Results below:

Next was to make sure there would be someone to receive them.  I walked to the main office just carrying one framed piece, the largest one.  I couldn't carry safely all three, and I wanted to make sure someone would be there.  Jeanne was there, and decided she would take the framed prints then, since I couldn't promise I would be there on Sunday, and I can't.  She seemed to really enjoy that first one, Traveling Riverside Blues, but I don't know if she liked the lyric, the image, or both.  (I can only take credit for the image) So I went back to my space and got the other two.  Gets them out of my Studio.  And I told her she was welcome to keep the ones currently up for a few more days.  She claims that a lot of people will be coming on Saturday night and it will be good publicity, but I'm okay wit anything that keeps them out of my basement for another week.  

With that done, time for some new art.  I cleared my table and got out the boardwalk block.  Over the weekend I had done some sketches on paper from the computer.  From photos I took and posted to the internet a long time ago I copied the plants near Convention Hall, and a model in a bathing suit, who seems to be applying sunscreen to her leg.  The latter was originally from a drawing session probably in 2009 (for the then upcoming Miniature Golf themed boardwalk print) and I finally get to use it for this print now.  From the internet I had sketches of people on Asbury beaches, little tiny sketches suitable for deep background in the image.  I added all of these items to my block drawing, the last few things I needed.  I will continue the cutting of that block next week. The sketches on the block can be seen below:

In the lower drawing, my girl applying lotion is the bent over figure on the far right, between the rails.  I decided that was enough work for the day, and headed home.  Luckily, whatever was going on earlier on route 35 was long gone, so I got home quickly and without incident. 


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