Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Next Project

With St Budoc now finished, it's time to think about what the next print will be. Right now it's pretty wide open. Sometimes I'll have new prints that are a priority- a group folio, a commission, a piece for a theme show, or something I want to debut in a solo show. None of those conditions exist right at this moment. There is one project that particularly interests me right now, a portrait/figure piece, but the person I have in mind as the model has asked for another week to decide whether or not she wants to participate. I have enough in life to keep me busy that I'll likely just wait that week before worrying about any other prints. If the figure project doesn't happen or is postponed a significant length of time, I have a couple of options. I can always extend one of my ongoing series, such as the saints, supermarkets, or bowling alleys. I've got ideas for all these, some going back years, and they can be pulled out and started any time. Or I can try to develop a new work or series. I have a few thoughts that I think have potential, but none are anywhere close to starting yet. Sometimes these things are only figured out gradually over time, but sometimes sitting down with a sketchbook and putting something on paper is enough to get things moving. In about a week, you'll know which directions I'm leaning.


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