Wednesday, May 30, 2007

St Thecla of Iconium Part 6

After work today I put in a few hours at the Studio, starting the coloring of the new Thecla print. My preparations actually began last night, with a search for color combinations for a girl's bedroom. Started by looking through piles of furniture store circulars, but with none of those working for me, I went to the internet and found some good references. Today I started with taping one of my new proofs to the board, and mixing some watercolor samples on scrap paper. When I was ready to start on the print, I began with the light colored table/lamp/phone, then did the pale pink walls in the background. I put a light purple wash on the bedspread, and the floor was a mix of white and alizarin crimson. The bold color of the floor was dominating too much, so I put a heavier layer of light purple on the bed. Along the way I colored the wall artwork, using mostly bits of the same colors found elsewhere. Put in the pink pillows and the green and yellow on the stuffed animal. After considering the results, I slightly darkened the wall color, to help it separate from some of the other lights.
What you see above is where I left it. I think it's mostly working, but I'm still considering a few changes. My biggest areas of concern are the table (possibly darkening the table top and putting a different color on the phone) and the stuffed cat (I'm wondering if that bright green is too distracting and too different from all the other colors in the print). I'm planning to return to the Studio tomorrow, and hoping to make the decisions by then.


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