Thanks to my countryman Mr. Colombo, my first Monday off from work in months. No time to rest however. I took a ride to Home Depot to pick up some wood and other small items. The wood was mostly for my 2D students, one class of which begins their woodcut projects this week. So I picked up three 24"x48" lauan panels, two for the students and one for me, for a project I hope to start later this fall. From there right to the Studio, where I marked out 8"x6" blocks (top photo), sawed them, and used some 36 grit sandpaper to remove the splintered bits along the back sides. The bottom photo shows the resulting stack.
Molly arrived shortly after I did, and I asked her how things ended up with the critique group last Wednesday. Great it seems, finally breaking up around 10 pm, more than an hour after it was planned to end (and after I had left). Everyone in the group agreed that this should be an ongoing thing, so it looks like we'll all be back in November, plus maybe more artists with the publicity she has planned.
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