Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boardwalk Wheel Game part 7

Went to the Studio earlier than usual today, so I could get back in time for the Giants game. Before doing any drawing, I spent some time looking though some old Life magazines. Life has always been a good source for details, and occasionally inspiration, especially the late 1950's and early 1960's. The ads, not the articles. To me, many of the consumer products of that era look more like the things they are than today's versions of those things. Also, I think it takes things out of the present and allows them to be seen as anytime in the last half century.

What got me thinking about Life was a desire to throw in some corporate inspired characters, which sometimes make the jump to toys. I had two in mind from ads I had set aside in a reference pile more than a decade ago. Both for ice cream, both for dolls that were available at a discount with a minimum purchase. They can be found on the lowest shelf on the right. Looking though the issues I brought today gave me two more, on the shelf above- a dog based on a pet food logo, and an early precursor to today's Sugar Bear character. The little muscle man next to the dolls was based on a character on an ancient putty mix container I had in the Studio. Last but not least, I put in a couple of cats- a white with black markings with the other small animals on the right, and a black cat on a medium shelf just to the left of the game attendant's shoulder. (the latter replacing some hatchet fish I drew yesterday that I didn't think were working) The two cats are based on two I know well, my parents' cats, who end up in my care now and again.

I think that takes care of the prizes, though I will be a while before I'm ready to start cutting, so something could change. There are still more details to be worked out in some of the areas already started, as well as the vertical strip on the far right.


Blogger Squidman said...

My Cats would have made a better choice for this work...just saying.


9:34 AM  

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