Saturday, October 11, 2008

He's not going to talk about boxes again, is he?

Afraid so. I'd love to be working on my new block, but my big fall show in Iowa opens in one month, and I've got to make sure I can get the stuff there safely in time. First thing after getting to the Studio was making one more inner box, a supermarket print box. Used one of my flat pieces, drew the plan just like the first one, cut, glue, tape, etc. So now all the inner boxes are done.

The outer boxes are a little trickier. They have to be a little bigger than the inner boxes, and come with a double set of top flaps. The 4 foot square flat pieces I have just aren't big enough to make that from a single piece. Digging around my basement at home I had found two collapsed large cardboard boxes and brought them with me today. The first was about 24" x 24" x 13", with large flaps on all sides, top and bottom. I spent some time looking at the large box, trying to come up with the most efficient way to convert it to the shape I needed. Did some sketches, figured it out. The second photo shows the start of that process. Very slow going- can't really just create a pattern, but rather I will be cutting and folding it one piece at a time, essentially wrapping it around the inside box, while leaving just enough space for the protective panels. Didn't get very far today before it was time to quit, but I have a plan, so I should finish this box on my next visit.


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