Saturday, March 21, 2009

Boardwalk Tattoo part 8

Put in a few hours in the Studio today. I put another figure into the central area, a little more into the background than the standing couple in the tattoo shop. The wall of flash that the couple were looking at seemed too busy, so I erased it and replaced it with some simple marks that will stand for what's there without being as dense with images. I redrew two of the tattoo designs at the top of the right panel. A few more minor tweaks here and there, and I decided that I was pretty much done with the drawing. The final version is shown above- click to enlarge for the details. I didn't want to start the cutting today, but I did take care of the task of shapening some of my tools, which needed it after all the cutting of the last boardwalk block. In testing the tools I cut out part of the top border, but I'll begin the cutting for real next time I'm there.


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