Sunday, May 03, 2009

Boardwalk Tattoo part 22

Got up to the Studio in the afternoon. Took care of a class related item quickly, then settled into printing the new block. The top photo shows the inked block. It looked like I cut everything that I needed to, so I pulled two proofs. First one on a heavier paper (Rives BFK) to be the one I work out colors on, and the second on the Okawara that I used for the first editioned print in this series. The second photo shows the second proof in progress- the left half has been mostly rubbed, while the right half is just what comes through the thin paper with simple hand pressure. The last photo shows the finished print. The balance of value is a little off right now, but that will be fixed when the color is added. I also pulled a ghost print on light weight sketch paper and brought that home with me. I'll use that as a worksheet to copy colors from some of my computer based source material later this week.


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