Saturday, June 06, 2009

A Day at PCNJ

Today I was up at the Printmaking Council of New Jersey's headquarters in North Branch Station for the annual members meeting. Early in the day there was an art demonstration, but I wasn't going to get up there early enough for that. I arrived around noon, in time for the pot luck lunch. My contribution was a couple of loaves of focaccia with various toppings, baked last night. They disappeared pretty quickly, along with the rest of the food. I ended up spending some time talking with someone who remembered meeting me at the Studio when she took what must have been one of Molly's first silkscreen classes. After that was the main meeting, a mixture of interesting information and tedious but necessary business.
The art on display in the gallery there right now is a show called Reclaiming Lives: Prints by Members of the ArtistProof Studio in Johannesburg, South Africa. It's a pretty good show, with a variety of print media and styles. Some favorites of mine are shown above- a drypoint from Phillemon Hlungwani, and some lithographs from Kim Berman. If you're in the vicinity, it's worth a look and it's free. The exhibition remains on display through August 3, 2009. See the PCNJ website for more information.


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