Friday, February 17, 2012

House Project part 8

I got home from work early in the afternoon, grabbed some quick lunch, and drove up to the Studio to continue work on the current block. As I mentioned last time, I planned to finish all the wall and floor surfaces up on the top level, and then take on the stairs. And that's pretty much what happened. I put on a disc of all my favorite songs by the Wipers, and when it was finished, so was I. The above image shows the stairs. Redrawing it a few days ago really helped here- otherwise I would have wasted a lot of time trying to figure out what to cut, and likely would have made a few mistakes. Below is an image of the whole block as it looked at the end of the day.

Tomorrow I go back in and try to finish everything else- the figures, furniture, and assorted junk. And if there's time, go ahead and pull some prints, since the final piece is due in the show a week from tomorrow.


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