I didn't see any point in filling in more stuff for the house until I got some figures in place. My plan was to show two figures carrying boxes down the stairs (up would imply moving more stuff in), and at least one on the ground floor. The problem was in figuring out how to draw them- the movement of bodies walking down stairs, as well as being shown from different angles, not something I've had to regularly deal with. The one at the top is actually nearly at eye level, so it was the easiest to work out- I just noted my own movements walking down a step, and picked a version to start with. The middle one (seen from slightly above) would be harder to figure out on my own, so I looked for a reference. Eventually I found a few on the internet, and combined aspects into one figure and put her into place. For one at the bottom I needed to be looking down on the figure. I thought of a favorite comic book series that had a lot of scenes of characters seen from far above and below, found something close to what I had in mind, and modified it for the space and pose I needed.
These are all just roughed in and will need significant adjustments, but I like the way they fit into the space. I'll fix them up, fill in a last few piles of junk, and hopefully get it cut by the middle of next week. That should keep me on schedule to print it in time for the show.
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