Saturday, September 21, 2013

Table Talk part 22

Molly had given me a long list of things to get done for next week, and with no other commitments for today, that meant a shift in the Studio.  Above are the two tabletops for Park Place, which she was sketching a few days ago.  Obviously she got to one with her router since then.  She needed the frame attached to the table top for each.  I had assumed she'd just want a screw in each corner, but she wanted extra strength and suggested one on each side, too.  Problem- those oval shapes she drew are sitting right over the middle points of the frame on all four sides.  The solution we came up with was to put two screws in each corner, one on either side of the corner itself, for a total of eight screws.

In each case, I first lined up the frame on top of the design with an even 3" margin all the way around, and traced the corner spots.  I put the frame aside and predrilled pilot holes with the electric drill, and then used my old brace a bit drill to widen the top of each hole so I would be able to recess the screw head.  Then the top was carefully placed back on the frame (a little wood glue in between- don't know if it would make a difference, but it couldn't hurt), lined up, and the screws driven back down through the top into the frame.  Photos above and below show how it looked from top and underneath.

But that wasn't all for today.  We had gotten the details for an additional table, something more like a coffee table.  I had verified on Thursday that we had enough wood to do it, and Molly had trimmed down a piece of plywood to the desired dimensions.  I got out the miter saw and cut some 2x4's to the proper lengths to build the frame, assembled it, and even did the sanding for the exterior.  I held off on attaching it, figuring I would try to talk to Molly first and see if she cared where the screws went.  Nothing is sketched yet on the top.  Then it was time to clean up a bit, and then down to the print shop to do preparations for a class project next week.  Tomorrow I have other plans, but I should be able to do the rest of what needs to be done early Monday.


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