Monday, September 23, 2013

Table Talk part 23

Got up to the Studio around mid day today, and was surprised to see the door open, as I wasn't expecting to see Molly there at that time.  And I didn't, but she had some other volunteer help there to advance the project.  Meanwhile I went on with my tasks.  I attached the frame I completed on Saturday to a 3' x 4' table (above), and sanded the underside of the frame (and those assembled on the weekend).  This table is going to be more like a coffee table, so I cut much shorter legs than usual, only about half the length of those I did for all our other tables.

As I was doing that, a worker who wishes to remain anonymous was applying a coat of primer to both sides of those long tables I assembled on Saturday.  Even with the drawing completely obscured by the paint, the relief carvings show through.

Molly never did show up today, and I got busy and forgot to call her.  If I haven't heard from her by my next available work day I do have something to keep me busy.  I can start sanding all those leg pieces I cut a few weeks ago.


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