Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Only One Day Late

Only one day later than we had planned, we had the November critique.  I was the first to arrive, about 15 minutes before the official start time.  Long time regular Tim was second.  Then Molly called to say that she was running late but would be coming and bringing beer.  At that point we decided to move down the hall to the cafeteria.  Long time regular Jane arrived as we were doing that.

So we were just four tonight, but that meant we could spend plenty of time on each participant.  Clockwise  from the top, my framed collage/print back from the Belmar "Selfies" show, a quick drawing from Molly, a series of paintings from Jane, and on the floor, combined birds and prayers from Tim.

Also present was this character, who I believe is called Zoey, and I was told it was important that I get a photo of Zoey and Jane and put on the blog as proof they were here.  If I get more information as to why this was important, I'll update you.

As for the art, my new/old piece got a good response.  One participant has never been to a Waffle House, but knows of it, and that reputation was enough to add impact to the print.  Apparently I have stumbled onto a particular known variety of selfie where the subject looks away from the camera.  And since I first carved and printed that block in 1994, I continue to be a trend setter.


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