Friday, August 09, 2024

Professional Printmaking part 4

 Mary had one more print to be editioned, and she said it was the smallest of the three.  That meant printing it would probably be quicker than either of the first two we did in previous weeks.  The plan was to do it yesterday, but I was having sudden car issues, and we decided the safest thing would be to do it on Friday, when I could either get a ride or borrow a car, since I won't be able to see the mechanic for a few days. This worked out well, as today (at least early) was much nicer than predicted weather-wise.  So this morning I drove up to the Studio in a borrowed car and sunny conditions.  Mary decided to come down in her scooter, and she was a little late at that, but luckily that car wasn't needed right away.  

I had checked the 2nd set of prints from last week when I was in on Monday, and found they were already dry, so I knew our time was fine.  (Mary needs the prints for a show that installs next week, which shouldn't be a problem)  She wants me to be part of this show, and was originally planning to show the two pieces of mine that she already owns and has framed, but having just retrieved them from storage, decided that the frames may be too beat up to show.  As a result, she is hoping that I can provide something myself.  Probably I can.

While waiting for her to arrive, I cleared my table and prepared some ink.  I moved last week's prints out of the rack to make room for new ones.  Eventually I saw her outside the window, let her in, and we got set up.  She had the third block, and had brought some new paper.  She wasn't sure where she got it, or even why, but it was large enough to handle the new block, was similar in weight to the lightweight we had been using, and she like the look of it (had a little texture), so she wanted to pull some of the new prints on it.  I inked the block (no outside margins this time, cut right to the edges) and used painter';s tape where necessary.  But I got it done.  One shifted a little, so we ended up pulling a fourth to get three good ones, but she was happy with the results.  She chose to do the third proof on the larger Rives paper, but she was paying for it, so no problem.  Below is an example of the print:

This was another fortuitous piece for her, the subject being an employee in a nearby Burger King, and she hopes the model still works there so she can give her a copy.  (people tend to move on from fast food jobs, so she may not find her there)  She kept the extra shifted copy to practice some colors, and left everything else in my drying rack.  I think it's a nice print, and the gallery should be happy to have this show.  The work in all printed now, so the plan is to have her pick up things on Wednesday.   Should be dry be then, and I may even have a working car at that point.


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