Friday, January 02, 2009

Boardwalk Wheel Game part 29

Another day off around the holidays today. In the early afternoon I set out, stopping first downtown to mail out the first batch of Christmas cards (replying to all the people who've sent them to me so far) and picking up some picture hanging wire at the local hardware store. I have to bring artwork to some shows over the next week and I was out of wire for the new frames. A few more errands and I was up at the Studio. Demolition continues out back, which resulted in the photo of the window above, with the silhouette of the back fire escape lit by the setting sun. Such a thing was not possible when the annex was still standing.
Today's work was starting the coloring of the new print. I taped down the blurred proof, then started adding color. I'm not copying from an existing booth, so I didn't come in with a specific color plan. Without a general overall plan in mind, I decided to start with local color of specific objects. For example, the prizes are based on specific items, particular animals or cartoon characters, so I put those colors in. I used some of those same colors in other places- I may try to keep a limited palette to bring in one of the elements of those Japanese color block prints. Those prizes that I didn't do were because I need to check my original reference sources. I didn't do the architecture yet, but I'm thinking that it will probably be mostly warm colors for the counter and sign and cool colors for the shelves, with a mixture of colors for the lettering and other details. I'll figure out the clothing after that. Once I have this one done, I can see what works and what doesn't, and make changes on the first good proof.


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