Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Boardwalk Food part 18

I'm never short of things to do in a given day, but I decided I'd like to put in more time on the current print. Approached the building from the ocean side today, which meant slowdowns behind beachfront sightseers and along the narrow streets of Ocean Grove, but at least I wasn't traveling in circles. (and it's good that I did because the main road is still completely blocked off) The next critique night is in about 2 weeks and I'd like to be able to bring the finished block to show the group. Still working the upper part of the left panel, doing pieces of the ice cream stand and the bar.

Plywood combines a natural material and an artificial process, for both good and bad. Since I started cutting this particular board I have found some sections with issues- gaps in the core layer, sections that are softer or harder, etc. As a result, some parts have been tricky to cut. Gaps and soft sections can lead to wood tearing instead of cutting cleanly, no matter how sharp the tool is. (testing in other parts of the board show that it's still plenty sharp) Don't have to worry about surface shredding in the super hard areas, just a lot of effort to remove each splinter of wood. Both of these problems have popped up all over the section with the ice cream stand, part of why it's going slow. Despite that, I finished some significant portions of the parts I was working on today. I still have to resolve a few questions inside the bar, and after that I can get to cutting out more of the details. Meanwhile, since I haven't shown it in a while, below is a photo of the current state of the whole block.


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