Monday, February 08, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Tonight was our one week delayed February critique night at the Studio, which we managed to squeeze in between snowstorms. Seven artists turned up with work- above are sculptures from Adam, and prints from myself, Molly, and Mary, below are paintings from Jane and Lisa's sculpture of a piping plover made from trash. (not shown, Tim's watercolor, as he arrived a little late) I was up first, so I talked about how I developed the idea for my postcard print and offered copies to anyone who wants to try a collaboration with me. All of the other six artists decided to take me up on it; results are due at the April critique, which more or less matches when those of us in the organized events must mail our completed pieces in. Response the the card itself was very positive, both for how I came up with the idea and for the visual qualities of the scene. As usual, everyone had a good time and we're looking forward to the next one in March.


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