Monday, February 01, 2010

Holding Down the Fort

Molly decided to postpone our February meeting of the critique group to next week. Last week we contacted all the regulars on our respective lists regarding the change, so there was no reason to expect any of them to show up tonight. However, there are some irregulars, friends of friends, etc, who might show up once in a while and might not have known about the postponement. Since I had nothing else to do at that particular time, I decided to go into the Studio for a few hours in the late afternoon/early evening, just in case anyone showed up.

Took care of some printing first, adding the relief print to the latest batch of postcards. I mixed up some new ink for the occasion. This color is a little lighter than the one I used last time, but it still does the job just fine. I printed on the six cards I had printed colors on last time, seen above. That will be the last action for this block for a while. The effort I made to offset the key block probably won't go to waste- it can be part of a multiblock demo next time I do a woodcut workshop. Meanwhile, I put these in the rack to dry, and I'll add the yellow dots and trim them next time.

With that done I used the big table and lack of distractions to spend some time working on my lecture notes for the coming week's art history class. Finished almost all of it. By half past the normal starting hour no one had come by, so I decided that it was unlikely anyone would, and closed up the shop for the night.


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