Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Table Talk part 27

I had about an hour to spend at the Studio today.  Not really enough time to do a big batch of sanding, but I decided to put the table I assembled the other day up on a work table and sand the underside of the frame.  That didn't take long, so I moved on to some experiments with the legs.  I took four of the finished legs, four of my corner wedges, and positioned them on the inverted tabletop (above).  Later I put a narrow scrap across the tops of those legs and checked if for level, and in each case it matched exactly what I found in the table top (the work table itself isn's perfectly level), so these should work well.

Not ready to actually attach the legs yet (Molly would prefer to deliver the tables without them, figuring it will be easier to find transportation for unassembled tables, and that is probably true) but I wanted to play around with my plan a bit.  So I got out one of the prototype leg corners I had made months ago, and made some adjustments.  I wanted to see if it would work if I moved the deck tie a little further down the leg (or up in the inverted prototype), providing a little more space for hands to work.  The width of the deck tie strip is pretty much the same as the thickness of a 2x4, so it was easy to measure where to put the deck tie and have it go through solid wood in the corner wedge and then the frame. This will likely be the plan when I start making leg units in the near future.


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