Thursday, October 09, 2014

The Mural Continues part 22

Last week it was sunny on the two days that I teach, but every other day of the week it was raining or misty or other damp conditions that make painting a mural difficult.  (this weather had a similar effect on me mowing my parents' lawn, finally dealt with after last week's Giants game)  In contrast, the weather has been fairly nice this week.  Yesterday was a day in the Studio to work on my latest print, so I devoted today to continuing work on the Boatworks mural.

My last painting session I remarked to Pat that I thought my hammerhead shark from 2007 had held up well, but she felt it could use a reworking.  This repainting hasn't been strictly about perfect matching of the original colors, but in many cases colors have been intentionally made brighter and bolder, so I figured that meant I had to make the shark just a little more intense just to keep up.

Above is a photo of how it looked early this afternoon, before the repainting.   Below is the new version.  The difference is more noticeable than my update to the squid a few weeks ago, but the original shark painting was mine, so I feel a little more comfortable making changes.  There are some blended and mixed portions, but mostly I worked with three mixes.  The lightest areas are mostly something just labeled as pastel base, a very pale blue, to which I added an unnamed medium blue similar to the water color, for a little more color than plain white.  I played around a bit with the medium gray color, which has some of that light paint, plus more of the medium blue, a touch of an orangey mix I found, and even a little black.  The darkest color is some of that middle value color, plus some very dark blue and a little more black.  Mostly I stuck with the design from the original, but one obvious change was adding highlight and deep shadow sections to the dorsal fin.

It certainly stands out a bit more.  Seven years ago I had purposely subdued some of the colors I used to make it seem more like the fish, plants, and objects were being seen underwater and through water, but the current plan seems to be make everything bold.  And on projects I'm not in charge of,  I just do as I'm told.


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