Monday, November 02, 2015

Big Crowd

The month can come around very fast sometimes.  I realized we were about to enter November, called Molly, and she decided to go for a group meeting today, the first Monday of the month.  So we got the word out as we do, and we got enough positive responses to assume it would happen.

And the crowd did show up.  We had about 10 artists show up, with 7 bringing art to present.  In the above photo, (top row) left to right are some of my sketches for a new supermarket print, and four woodcuts from Mary L., (bottom row) a painting from Tim, mixed media prints from Mary G, and Christina's rebellious product from a painting/wine drinking group.

Above and below are drawings from Molly.  Up top are blown up versions of doodles, an attempt to make turtles sexy and expressive, which she surprisingly pulls off. Below, sketches for possible t-shirt ideas.

Below, Margery presented a new ceramic piece with more colorful glazing than we typically see from her.  In the background, Christina's painting again of what was supposed to be a still life involving books.

Though Molly missed last month's meeting, she heard that the idea of collaborations was well liked, so we put that into the messages we sent out.  And this time we had a few people take things from other artists to work on.  Results will be seen here when they turn up.  Last time I offered up something to the group for this process, it took two years to get the first collaboration, so keep that in mind.


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