Monday, March 13, 2017

Back to Work One More Time

Tonight was critique night, and as is my custom, I went in a few hours early to get some work done.  One of my current projects is printing the two boardwalk prints that my friend Jenny wishes to purchase.  One of them includes a special thing that has to be fixed- a word that has to be brought in from another source.  Back when I did the original block, I had misspelled "zeppole", and not realized it until I was ready to proof if for the first time.  Noticing obvious spelling errors is not quite as easy when all the letters are backwards, and some how it got past me.  Once cut, too late to make changes, so I ended up removing all the letters from the block, carving the word correctly in a small piece of linoleum, and using that to insert the word into the print.  Last week I had pulled a proof of the main print, and the next step came tonight.

Took out the piece of linoleum with the correct spelling and taped it to my work table.  Inked up the word.

Last week's proof (above) was then place on top of the inked linoleum block, and then rubbed to print the word.  Below we see the results.

Once again I left it there to dry, and it should have a few days to do so, as we are expecting the biggest snow of the year to arrive tonight and I don't expect to be back there too soon.

As for the critique, only one other person showed up and she didn't have anything to show, but she was happy to see my newest supermarket print.  I guess I can show it again next time, whenever that is.


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