Thursday, March 31, 2022

Artist Open Studio Event


Last week I went to a meeting regarding the planned open studio event for artists in the Jersey Shore Arts Center.  The idea came from Joe Borzotta, one of the participants in the current tenants show we have going right now on the first floor.  About 8 people were there, including Nichole, representing the building I assume.  The meeting was quick, to meet the needs of those present.  That night I sent an email to Molly, since she wasn't there, but had expressed some interest in maybe participating, depending on her schedule.   A few days later I got a mail from the organizer, requesting to know who was in or out by Wednesday of this week.  Unfortunately, Molly never wrote back to me, and if she's not going to be there, I won't be there either.  Besides that the room is mostly her mess, I have a class to teach during that time, and Nichole said she'd rather I teach my classes than participate in the event.  I vaguely remember doing an artist open studio event there once.  If it's what I am thinking of, I did get a show out of that, so it would probably be worth doing, but right now I just don't have the availability.  So last night I sent an email to the organizer, stating that at this point I can't commit to being there.  I do plan to ask my classes if they want to consider moving the class to another day, but the students have signed up for the specific time and dates, and I feel they have the right to that time and day if they want it. (Also going to check and see if they want to move the Easter week classes.  I can do them, but if they have holiday plans and can agree, we can change that one too.) I haven't heard anything form anyone yet, so we will see what happens.


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