Thursday, September 28, 2023

Final Step(s)

 Yesterday was the one sunny day for this week- otherwise it's been all wind and rain.  Today wasn't rainy early on, but it was expected later, so I wanted to get to the Studio early today.  Plus I had some business to take care of.  After dropping off a few things in my space, I walked down the hall to the basement public restrooms- in the old school cafeteria, aka the green room.  A few years ago they put motion sensitive lights in all the basement hallways, which means you don't have to turn on light switches, but the hallways tend to be a bit dim, especially if the lights are slow to come on, which is often the case.  So there I am walking down the basement hallway, when suddenly I hear that I have stepped into a puddle.  Hadn't even seen it.  Luckily the shoes I wear can handle shallow water with their rubber soles.  Odd place for a puddle to be.  After I finished that bit of business, I went to the office  (stepping over the puddle this time) to report the issue.  Most people were in a meeting, but Andrew was at his desk, and he's the one who needed to know. 

So I told him about it.  He wanted to see it, so I led him there.  He was a bit stumped, as we don't normally get much water around there.  However, this did make me think it was probably a good idea to get my stuff off the floor the other day.  Anyway, time to work.

A few days ago I used a computer to create some labels for the back of my framed prints, a standard procedure for exhibitions.  Today I taped them to the backs of the framed prints, along with making and inserting a few mat board spacers I had made.   It's the last thing I have to do before they collect the work, something they haven't said anything about yet.

Because I knew this would not take too long, I only brought one disc with me, but an unusual one as it was a factory produced disc, not one of my home burned specials.  This was Vitalogy by Pearl Jam.  How I bought this disc is also a bit different, as I acquired it because it included some artwork from my friend Dave Lasky.  (how this happened is too long a story to tell here)  However, it is also a good album, one of a few that I kept in my car to listen to on my commute home from the state university I worked at for 15 years.  And this is why I have a copy of the official album with me right now and it is not in storage.  One odd thing I always think of when listening to it is that we have a local rock station that never plays anything from it.  When a new album or single from Pearl Jam came out, they would play a few of those songs for a week or two, then abandon them and only play songs from the first album, which doesn't interest me as much.   Seems like lazy programming to me. There's no mention of the band or album on this blog, so I guess I never brought this to the Studio.  I should change that.

Later on the meeting was over and I got more information about the plans to sell chicken out of the cafe on the 3rd floor, and idea that I first heard a few years ago, before Covid killed off most of our programming.  The email only mentioned tomorrow, which sounds like a bad day to go out.   Turns out there will be other chicken days coming up, so I don't feel to bad about missing the event.


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