Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Woodcut Show

 Tonight I went to what is a rarity these days, a show of all woodcut prints.  This was the show I prepared for the past few weeks, printing for a former student, and framing a few of my own to be hung.  According to the gallery website, this was originally intended to open at the beginning of the month, but that didn't happen for reasons I never learned.  Instead the opening was shifted until today, and the end to mid-September.  What this allowed was the printing of the third piece Mary had, as well as the drying of that piece and the framing of the piece.  I never did hear from Mary about the opening, but I gave her back all her prints and even had given her two prints of my own to put in there.  I got the information by calling the gallery this afternoon. 

I know from driving the road that the blocks where the gallery is and those around it are part of Asbury's restaurant and bar district.  The good news is that I did not feel that there would be any danger in walking to the gallery, but the bad news is that I didn't expect there to be any parking on the street.  I did see one space while I was there, but going in I didn't count on that.  So I parked at the Studio building, and walked over.  I knew the place was only a block or so past a bar I have been to before, and I knew I had walked there a few times.  And while it had rained briefly during the day, it was not raining at the time I left, nor during any of the time I was there, or driving home.  I carried an umbrella with me, but stayed dry.

The gallery is called Locals Art Space, and I suppose I qualify as one, with a studio in a building just a few blocks away.  Plus, the gallery is run by another tenant of our studio building, and the place's definition of "local" is kind of loose.  I calculated time to get the building, plus time to gas up my car, and some time to walk the few blocks.  I made it there just past the start time, well before dark would come.  Lots of people eating and drinking on the sidewalks, and many going in and out of businesses on the street.   The gallery was small compared to some spaces I have been in, but it was a good size to hold her work, and mine.  Here are a few photos of the reception:

I know from experience that the solo artist has very little time to talk to individual visitors, and I expected there were people she had invited to be there, so I didn't try to hog time with her. I did talk to her for a little while, and she said she was pleased with how it turned out and the whole experience.  I did spend time talking to the organizer/gallery director, to Little Bobby Duncan (who was there and knows everyone, and to someone from the Arts Guild (Dennis something I think) who I met before, at a small solo show I had in Belmar several years ago.  He didn't remember me, but I remember his face.  He asked me where I learned woodcut and why he sees so few printmakers these days.  I blamed it on the lack of print facilities in colleges.   The gallery director asked about learning woodcut.  I told her that Jeanne knows how to find me, and we can talk.

My other reason for being there was that I had two pieces in the show.  This was decided long ago, with the plan to put in the two pieces that Mary owns and had framed, but upon retrieving them from storage,  decided that they were a little too beat up for the show.  She asked if I could provide something else, and what I decided was to loan two of the pieces I had in my Studio, left over from last year's Tenants show.  (saved me from digging through boxes in my basement, and from moving those framed pieces from place to place in my Studio for a month or so) I put on better backing and gave the pieces to Mary when she came last week to pick up the most recent printed work, some of which appeared in this show.  Meanwhile, this is the fourth show I can remember that has had some of my work, in Asbury Park proper.  My pieces are placed nearest the window and door.  I was pleased to see my name spelled correctly, which sometimes doesn't happen.  Near one of them was a short statement regarding my importance in her interest and development as a woodcut artist.  Here are my two works:

As you can see, the gallery address is 406 Main in Asbury.  I still don't know the exact dates, but I believe it will remain up though mid September.  For hours, contact the gallery, which has a web page.

After about half an hour I decided to walk back to my car and head home.  No problems, and I got home to have something to eat.


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