Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 29

 Another beautiful day, almost fall-like, and a day I planned for Studio work.   Stopped at the supermarket on the way up (easier that way if you don't have to buy any perishables) and still got there before 11:00.  However, I quickly found a small problem- the elevator wasn't working.  An advantage of being a tenant of the building all these years, and in the basement at that, is that you do learn every possible way to get down there, and I knew that the central stairway has a banister on one side, which is all I need to safely get down a flight of stairs.  I went downstairs and was close to the office anyway, so I reported the issue, shocking Robin a little in the process.  (surprised her walking into the open door office) "Again!" she said.  It seems this was also a problem last week.  With that done, time to get to work. 

My plan for today was to continue cutting on the left panel, where I had left off.  Once again I had brought  my good tools with me, and even a few discs.  What I ended up playing was Dig, Lazarus, Dig by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, which I have written about previously on this blog, back in August of 2019.  I started with the foliage I had worked on previously, then cut out the left figure and her bench, then the empty bench, then the figure on the right and her bench.  At that point the disc was ended, and it was only around noon, so I decided to put on one of Molly's discs (Doolittle by the Pixies, written about back in October of 2019, if you want to know more) and cut out the remaining sky, except for the interiors of the birds.  At that point I decided I had been there long enough, documented what was done, packed up, and headed home.  Below you can see what I did today:

I purposely left the area on the beach (between the fence rails) alone, as I may add something there.  Haven't decided yet.  I'll cut the shapes inside the birds and airplane next time.  Besides those, what remains on the left panel is everything on the boardwalk and the plaza, but again I may make some changes there, too.  Still, it looks like I am almost half done now, and I like how it's turning out so far.


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