Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 30

 Today looked to be a decent weather day, while tomorrow does not, so I decided I would go to the Studio today.  Brought my good tools and my jazz/blues disc book. The other day I saw a reaction video that included an Ella Fitzgerald performance, and I knew I had a Fitzgerald home burned disc in my collection, so I decided to start with that today.  It was my favorites from what I think was a two disc set of her doing Gershwin songs, the 15 or so songs I could fit on one disc.  (written about back in August of 2021 if you want to know more)  Problem was that my ID was not letting me in the front door, despite me putting in what I believed was my correct code.  But the office was open, and I have to go the basement anyway, so I let myself in that way.  Jeanne confirmed that I was putting in the correct code, and later she tried my ID and the code and claimed it worked, but I was already in the basement, so I was happy.  I went to my space.

My plan for today was to continue work on the latest boardwalk print.  Cleared the table and did so.  I decided not to work on the left panel, since I still haven't done anything with that beach yet.  I could have done something with the patio blocks at my seated figures feet, or with the boardwalk itself, but I'd like to look at my photos again.  Meanwhile, the right panel has a lot of open sky, and that's not going to change, so I cut that area today.  Started at the top, and did the space above Convention Hall, and above the banner being towed by the plane.  Below is the result of today's cutting, my first view of the whole block posted since about a month ago:

It only took a few minutes, but I also finished the plane towing the banner, and the flying gulls I put on the left side to fill space, and give the brayer a place to rest in that area.  

I had remember to bring some large garbage bags with me, so went ahead and changed the bag in our Studio lidded metal can, as it has gotten quite full, and I expect to put more garbage in there in the coming weeks.  The elevator was working today, so I took it to the first floor and exited out the building through the main entrance, near my car, which does not require any ID or code. 


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