Thursday, December 30, 2010

Working Day and Night

Four days since the blizzard ended, and cleaning up around the whole region is still not complete. The above photos are from my street (yesterday afternoon and earlier tonight), both typical of what can be seen around the area. I called up to my Studio's building today and spoke to the boss. The good news- the building was open if I wanted to come in to do some work. The bad news- the parking lot wasn't plowed and the local streets of Ocean Grove weren't much better, so even if I could get my car up there, I might not have any place in the area to park it. Late in the afternoon I called an artist I know in Ocean Grove and she confirmed that the town itself is unavailable for parking at the moment.

This all impacts on me (artistically) in two ways. First, there seems little chance that I'm going to get into the Studio before next week. This means I may just go ahead and print my cards at home using the less desirable water based ink. And I'll start working up the preliminary compositional sketch for the next boardwalk print on paper. Usually the paper roughs are indeed very rough and minimal, but this way I'll be a little further into the process when I finally have the wood to draw on. The second impact is that Monday is our next scheduled critique night, and that will be very hard to do if we can't park anywhere near the building. Molly remains hopeful that all the road issues will be resolved by then and wants to keep on our usual schedule, so conditional reminders went out today- our group will meet on Monday unless we can't.


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