Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Walkin' Blues part 9

Normally I go to the Studio on Tuesdays and Thursdays, though lately my Tuesdays have been occupied with classes.  I am in the building, but no time to make art.  And I am told that I will be driving my father to a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so I figured I better get some art done today.  So I gathered my things and drove up to Ocean Grove in the late morning.  Lot of cars in the lot, and front door was unlocked, but I saw no signs of anyone on the first floor.  Went to my space.  Brought my blues/jazz set with me today, and started with my Buddy Guy disc.  Most of two rocking albums- Stone Crazy and Sweet Tea. (I have written about these albums back in February, 2020)

I continued work on the first Robert Johnson block, my illustration of Walkin' Blues. Today I took on the other two figures in the foreground, a couple sitting at a table with drinks.  He's looking at my striding woman, and the woman with him is none too happy about it.  Did their upper bodies and heads, then the table and its contents, then the lower bodies.  Decided that the legs would be best outlined by the floor, so I started cutting out all that.  Got partly through that when the disc ended.  More blues, my radio broadcast of Robert Cray's band live.  Like the first disc, both were created for my trip; to Texas, though never used there.  Both ended up in my Studio and part of my blues set, so certainly not wasted.  (Wrote about this a few times, but the best one is October of 2021) Continued with the floor, and also did the foot rest bar, skipping a few lesser tracks along the way.  But soon I was done with my day's work.  Time to go home.

Unfortunately, it's never that easy.  As I went out the front door, I was called over to a car by a woman in the passenger seat.  She wanted to talk to someone about doing something there, and had questions about phone numbers and such, but I had no idea how to answer that, as I have been in the building for 15 years, and tend to email if I have questions.  However, I thought Elyse was in her office, and said she was the person to talk to.  Was she there right now?  I could go look, so walked over to the outside door, and Jeanne let me in after I knocked.  I explained the situation to Elyse as best I could, but before anything could be done, the woman was there, having followed me.  So I introduced them and let them talk.  Had no idea what she and her husband wanted, but figured Elyse would know the answer better than I would.  So I went back out the door, up the steps, and was heading to my car when I was interrupted again.  This time a young guy, who wanted to know about joining.  Huh?  He said something about wanting to join an activity, but didn't seem to know more than that.  Didn't need a place to live, which was good because we don't have any of those.  Still wanted to join an activity, but didn't know more than that.  Seemed to have some photo equipment, but I wasn't going to send him to talk to random photo people (if they were even around), so I suggested that he also talk to Elyse, who I knew was in her office.  He set off to do that, and I took off. 


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