Saturday, September 30, 2023


 We had a lot of it this weekend.  But it could have been worse.  It was a big rain storm, and seemed to remain in the area longer than usual.  Our September had 10 inches more than usual.   There was some heavy rain in the area, which I could see through the windows, as well as hear, but there were also periods of relatively little rain, good for taking care of outside business.   A lot of local roads were flooded, but I had nowhere I needed to go.  New York got it much worse.  The storm stayed over the city for hours at a stretch, dropping 8 or 9 inches of rain over some places, which caused some serious flooding, but the worse parts of the storm missed New Jersey, and then it went out to sea, so we got 3 to 4 inches at worst.  This meant that the basement in my shore town home hasn't been flooded yet, and for now all my art is off the floor in case the water seeps in later.  My Studio is in a different shore town, but when I was there last no flooding yet, and all my art is also safely off the floor should they get any.  

The rain seemed to finally end this afternoon.  I wouldn't say that it got sunny, but at least it got brighter from time to time, and the drops stopped falling.  Forecasts say that it's done and we should have nice weather for the next several days. Not that it matters- my artwork for the show that happens in Ocean Grove is already in the building, so it's just a matter of putting it in another room, or up on the wall, whatever they want.  Still haven't said anything yet.


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