Thursday, August 29, 2024

Better Results

 I wasn't satisfied with the drawings I did last time I went to the figure group.  I had no appointments today, so I figured it was worth going.  Getting everything together that I needed was a bit of a problem, but I left on the second try, and only forgot two things as it turned out.  Fewer people than last time, but still enough to pay for the model, who despite many tattoos, was still better than the one we had last time, and it turned out she was a substitute for whoever was scheduled for today.  Joe was there when I arrived, but couldn't stay (had the kids and a plan to visit the aquarium down in Camden), so we skipped the 30 second gestures and went right to the 1 minute poses.  Some of those, then some 5 minute poses, and a 10 then some 20's.  I did all these in pencil, using pages from my big pad.  (sketchbook was one of the things I forgot) 

For the last one (about 25 minutes) I switched over to charcoal.  I thought both the pencil and charcoal drawings were better than the ones I did the last time, so I guess it was a good thing that I came.  Figure practice is helpful, as I may do some redrawing of all the figures in the current blocks before I cut those parts out.  Below is the charcoal from today:

The model came around to see and photograph what everyone had done.  Of mine she seemed to like all of it, but from what she said, I get the feeling she preferred my pencil drawings.  As is my custom, I did not include her tattoos in my drawings.  Would have been too dark in charcoal, and for the pencil drawings there wouldn't have been time.  Plus, I am not that interested in drawing someone else's artwork.  In any case, I feel better about the next time I work on those blocks.


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