Friday, September 13, 2024

Another Show

Right now I have work hanging in two shows- two pieces in my former student Mary's show in Asbury Park, and three pieces in Ocean Grove, in the first floor of the building where my Studio is.   I think the former show ends soon, but since the dates were shifted and don't match up with the schedule posted on the gallery website, I don't know for sure.  As for the show in my building, I got the impression that was put up to have something for the tv producer to see, so I assumed it was up until there was something else scheduled.   That time may have come.

Got an email last night stating that there is a plan to have a 4th Tenants show later this year, and information about it.  I think it's called the 4th Residential Exhibition, or something like that, which I guess means they have finally taken my advice and stopped calling it the annual show, which it technically isn't.  It has been about a year since the last one (or will be when it opens), but along the way a year was missed, probably the Covid year.  We are allowed up to three works as long as they don't exceed a certain size, and mine don't.  Do I have three completed never exhibited prints ready to go?  Yes.  But do I want to show those?  Not sure. That remains a back-up plan, but I think I'd rather show three related prints, and my best possibility for that is the next three from the Robert Johnson series.  Two are completely done, though I may print a new proof of each.  And I have three frames of the right size for the three planned prints, though two of them are currently in that show in Asbury.  However, I expect that to end soon, and I should have those frames back soon.  (unless those pieces sell, in which case I'll have a nice payday and cut new mats for the prints and get new frames from the work I have stored in the basement)  And I don't need to commit to the show for almost two weeks, and don't need to drop off work for about a month, so I have time to get all this done.  

Now I don't think I can finish the current boardwalk print in time for this show.  If it was black and white, maybe, but with the color it requires, it seems doubtful.  So I think next week I will set aside that block and start cutting the Robert Johnson print.  The drawing is just about done, and the print will just be black and white.  It is smaller as well. I think it's possible to get a proof before the commitment deadline, and a quality proof worth framing before the drop off.  The most recent photo I have is the below image of the drawing from mid-July:  

 I have done more drawing on the block since, mostly on the woman's face (using one of my reference photos from that session), but you'll see that the next time I work on the block, which now looks like it will be next week.  I learned today that the tv producer will be there at the opening in late October, taping it as part of his show.  Don't know if he will be talking to me that night, but we did have some time in my Studio, so I figure that covered it.  But if he wants to, I'll be ready.


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