Thursday, September 05, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 32

 Another nice day, and a plan to go the the Studio.  The news this morning was full of stories of yesterday's big event- a drilling of a hole by an unnamed contractor caused some leaks in the ceiling of the Midtown Tunnel in NYC, which resulted in the whole tunnel being closed down for a few hours.  The shown film of the problem didn't look that serious, but maybe it was a precaution in case things got worse, with a greater leak, or flooding, or something.  What they showed was minor dripping, something that a good set of wipers would resolve on any car going through there.  Wipers.  Okay, now I had an idea of what to listen to while I worked.  I brought the rock/pop book of discs again today, with plans to listen to my home burned Wipers disc while working.  (written about back on this blog in July of 2019 and many other places I'm sure, should you want to know more about this music and the very influential but largely unknown band that created it)

On the way there, another crane and bucket truck working on wires along route 71, same as Tuesday.  Aren't they done with that yet?  But I got past and up to Ocean Grove.  A lot of cars in the lot, but there were a few spaces left and I grabbed one.  Went down to my space, and sharpened my tools a bit, because I was planning to do some details today and it had been a while since I did that.  Meanwhile, I had cleared the stuff off my table and got to work on the current boardwalk block.

Today's plan was to work on the lower part of the right panel, the space in front of Convention Hall.  That included all the figures (human and animal) on the boardwalk, inside and out.  Put on some music, and got to work.  I had done more drawing last time, so this went fairly fast.  Of course, there was a lot of detail in all these things on the boardwalk, so it did take the entire disc to get it done.  One thing I left alone was the concrete slab that the right side light pole rests on, mostly because my block sketch shows the remnants of a gestural sketch of a plant there.  Best to check my reference photos of the space before I cut any of that.  Results of today's cutting can be seen below:

I still have to deal with whatever I'm going to do with the beach, then all that detailed architecture.  Then I have to ink it, possibly recut sections and ink again, print some proofs on the proper Japanese paper to match the other ones, and color at least one of them to bring it to the level I expect.  Good thing I don't have a deadline for this.  On the way home those crane trucks were missing.  Either they were on some kind of lunch break, or maybe they were finally finished working on those wires.  So I got home quickly and had some lunch.


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