Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Boardwalk Days part 33

 Work continues on my latest boardwalk print, my daytime scene, which is also my Asbury Park scene.  My plan for today was to continue on the right side panel, which is also the Convention Hall side, as on this block it is the reversed image.  Decided to continue with my Beatles music, and selected my home burned copy of their last studio album- Abbey Road.  (as with before, if you haven't come to know this album in the 55 years since it was released, nothing I say here can help you) On the counter top where I keep my Studio boom box all the discs (including my pile) were a mess- which meant Molly had been listening to them.  No problem, as part of the reason I left some there was for her to have things to listen to she liked, plus they are there in case I forget to bring anything with me.  And besides, I occasionally listen to her discs. 

After clearing my table, I got to work on the block.  I started by getting rid of the rest of the sky on that side.  I did the two stairways on the side of the building, leading down to the beach, and the little bit of beach around the bases of those stairways.  This included the boardwalk railing in that panel. The other thing I did was start on the building itself, cutting a little bit of the part of the beach and about where it hits the boardwalk.  Lots more to go, but no hurry to get this done.  The results of today's cutting can be seen below:

Still a long way to go, but it's best to take my time with all this detail.  As I never got around to looking at that plant near the base of the right side lamp, I left that part alone for today. I will try to look at that before my next Studio visit, so I can resolve whatever it is I will be doing with it.  


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