Thursday, September 12, 2024

Night Drawing by Daylight

 It occurred to me that these morning figure drawing sessions are a lot like the evening ones I used to go to  in Belmar, about a dozen years ago.  Cost is a little higher (which is not surprising), but otherwise it's the same idea- organizer schedules and pays the model, and artists show up with materials and draw.  I used to go to that on alternate Wednesday evenings, so maybe I'll try to go on alternate weeks to the daytime version.  Around medical appointments, which seem to be numerous.

So I was there this week, and found out the group would be held in room 5 today.  Last week, when I chose not to go, it was up on the 2nd floor.  And the time before that (when I did go) it was held in room 3.  But first I stopped by my basement Studio to pick up my drawing pad and drawing board.   Molly was definitely there since my last visit.  I have no idea what all this is for, but I assume someone contracted her to make it

She even cleared off one of her tables, perhaps to use it in production.  Not so much there right now, but these t-shirts covered almost everything in the room, except my table of course.  Lots of cd cases on the counter, and a disc in my boom box, which was still on.  I turned the power off, but otherwise left everything where I found it.  Grabbed my drawing stuff, and went upstairs to join the group.  Not a large number of people this time, so I had my pick of spaces to set up.  

New model as well, tall and thin, no tattoos.  She did fine.  The organizer was there this time, so we did the short gestures he always has us do, then 1 minute, 5 minute, and 10 minute poses, which I did all in pencil in my small sketchbook.  One of the regulars really wanted the longer poses to be reclining and on the floor.  For the first one I moved my big table so I could see the model, but for the second one, that would do me no good, so I moved myself and all my drawing stuff across the room to one of those empty spaces.  The last two were about 20 minutes, done in charcoal.  What I thought was the better of the two can be seen below:

In general I thought today's drawing was successful, so perhaps this practice is paying off.  I documented the better of the charcoals (the second wasn't that bad) and started for home.


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