Thursday, November 30, 2023

Christmas Card 2023 part 3

Today has been called likely the nicest day of the week.  Perhaps so, as it's not as cold as it had been, no wind or rain.  The rain is likely back tomorrow for a few days, so today is the day to drive up to the Studio.  Compared to last time, the building was a lot quieter.  

My plan for today was to work on my Christmas card block, since I want to have an image to post on the holiday.  I spent yesterday researching paper and ink online, but didn't get around to doing an block drawing.  Actually worked out well, as I could photograph today's work without giving anything away.

I brought with me both sets of tools, as each has different things in it and I needed some from both today.  Also brought my smaller disc book, the jazz and blues set.  From this I selected the Glen Miller disc, which is an album put together of radio broadcasts, called Glen Miller and his Orchestra/A Legendary Performer  which you can read about on this blog back on February of 2020.  Today's work was short, so it was all I would need. 

The first step for any block is cutting out the border, and since I had nothing else drawn today, that is what I did.  Kind of boring, but it's a step that has to be done.  Results can be seen below:

And that was all I got done today.  But it was enough.  I'll draw the image over the next few days, and order the supplies I need to print the cards.  Next time I go to the Studio, it will be the cut the design.


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