Thursday, September 19, 2024

3rd Time Around

 Last week Joe mentioned during the figure group that Vivi would be back for the next meeting.  He mentioned this to me as this was the model he hooked me up with (at my request) to pose in my Studio for a group of prints I was working on.  This was back in July, and while I have worked on all those blocks, none are finished yet.  But I know she is good to draw, having done it twice so far, so I decided I would go this week for my 2nd and last time this month.  

Otherwise it was like any other drawing group. Got my stuff from my basement space, and took a spare space in the classroom.  More artists than last time, but I still found room.  My former student Nellie was back, as I expected.  The model was a little late, but she showed, and got right into a backwards arched back hand and feet pose- probably right out of the yoga she likes to do.  It was only a 30 second gesture, so I figured she could handle it, and did.  A few other times during the gestures she took poses on only 2 or 3 feet and hands, and almost lost her balance.  The rest of her poses were more stable.  Later on she took longer ones, and the last one was about 25 minutes and I broke out the charcoal for the occasion.   Some of my pencil drawings weren't bad, but this one was my best:

Nellie also liked the drawing.   In general she liked working with this model, who was younger than what she was used to in college classes.  She was also impressed with the yoga style poses the model opened with.  The model did recognize me and greeted me, so I went downstairs and got the blocks she posed for.  Not yet done of course, but she said she liked them, and was happy to see I was continuing to work on them.  It's entirely possible she was just being nice to get more work, but I will choose to believe she liked what she saw.  In any case, this third time working with her was a good day for me.


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